Tuesday 30 August 2016

The 3d Printing Technology Will Lead The Way To A Brighter Day!

First of all, let us clarify what is the concept of this 3d printing technology? In a layman's language, it is a way of fabricating objects that is three-dimensional objects from digital prints on the computer. 

Saturday 9 July 2016

Can you name a few businesses that starts with 3D printing?

Over the last few years, the 3D printing industry is developing at a rapid rate. And it is but obvious that lots and lots of companies have been interested in working with these magical machines. 

Saturday 25 June 2016

A few 3D printing problems that needs to be fixed right now!

I completely love working with the 3D printers, it really makes me do some of the coolest things around like creating a working gun or an acoustic guitar for my twin's 20th birthday. 

Sunday 22 May 2016

Do you know what makes PLA filament a complete package?

We all have witnessed the immense development in the Printing Technology since years. Currently, 3D printers are popping everywhere, from home to educational spaces, business, construction industries, automobile industries, etc. 

Thursday 14 April 2016

Buying a filament? Don't forget to research the brand

Whether you are a student or a business person, printing technology is something that you may require the most. Now have you ever tried to know about your printing needs?

Saturday 26 March 2016

5 must-have 3D printer accessories

Choosing the right bunch of tools and equipment makes life much easier especially when using complex technologies like 3D printing.  And therefore, here I am with this post that explores a few 3D printing accessories to choose right away in order to make your 3D printing experience simpler and better. Keep reading further!

Tuesday 23 February 2016

History of 3D Printers

What is a 3D Printer?

A 3D printer unlike the common printers, prints objects in three dimensions. 3D printers use different types of additive manufacturing technologies to create 3 dimensional objects by building the object layer by successive layer, til the whole object is complete. It is a lot like printing in 2 dimensions on sheets of paper, but with an extra added 3rd dimension.

Saturday 30 January 2016

Different types of 3D Printing Materials

3D Printing Material

The new advanced technology has so much to come up with and the standards have raised since the technology has. Nowadays powder, resin, filament, granules and etc. have become the not common 3D Printing Materials.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Different types of 3D Printing Materials

The new technology has really been fast and rapid. Though printing is an ancient technique but 3D Printing is something new and different.